
Här samlar jag tips på böcker jag läst eller lyssnat på, som rör ämnen kring klimat, miljö, demokrati, rasism, kolonialism, imperialism samt rättvisa/orättvisor.
Rana Plaza-katastrofen

På morgonen den 24 April 2013 kollapsade fabrik- och kontorsbyggnaden Rana Plaza i Savar, i utkanten av huvudstad Dhaka, i Bangladesh. 1.134 människor dog och ca 2.500 skadades.
Varför jag inte längre kallar mig pacifist

Jag började kalla mig pacifist redan som litet barn men har de senaste åren inte känt mig lika hemma i det begreppet. Nu förstår jag varför.
Att behålla status quo: Rikas intresse av global fattigdom

Mer pengar och resurser flödar från fattiga länder till rika än tvärtom och rika länder vill behålla fattigdom i världen för att de tjänar på det.
Malmö Town – the most vegan friendly city in Sweden

I recently went on a trip to Malmö to work with their tourism board and as soon as we were talking about working together I knew what this trip would be all about. Food.
Vegan hotel in Sweden – Hiking, vegan cooking and food photography classes at Tastecelebration Residence

It was love at first sight. I saw pictures of Brösarps backar (Hills of Brösarp) on my travel blogging friend Annika’s Instagram stories last summer and I instantly knew I had to go there. So when I was planning out my trip with Tourism in Skåne, Brösarp was one of my top priorities of places […]
Eco travel in Sweden – a unique experience at Nyrup Nature Hotel

As we got off the train in Höör, we were amazed by the multicolored forest and the rustic old farmhouse next to the train station. My boyfriend immediately took up his camera and caught this picturesque view.
How to travel from Scandinavia to Ireland without flying

As this guide is about how to get from Scandinavia to Ireland, I have made the starting point of these examples Copenhagen for two reasons. Firstly it’s the one location Swedes and Norwegians have to go through to get down to Europe by bus or train and secondly because most transportation apps have it easier to find connections to and from Copenhagen.
Why I love traveling in Ireland

I’ve been to the emerald island of Ireland 3 times and the more I see of it, the more I love it and the more I want to travel more in this green, lush part of the world.